Infectious Diseases

    Infectious Diseases

    There are those who regard homeopathy and other alternative or complementary therapies as outdated, but these methods remain effective and quick in treating infectious complaints; this is one of their main raisons detre. In each of the following chapters you can use them as initial treatment, switching quickly to another, particularly antibiotics, if improvement is slow to appear. The efficacy of complementary remedies depends essentially on the choice of products, the illness the patient’s reactive capacity, how early treatment is started, and the choice of dose. This may be summarized by the formula:”the right remedy for the right illness , in the right patient, at the right time, in the right dose”. If a complementary treatment is carried out properly, the use of antibiotics, which are prescribed far too much in the Western world, can often be avoided.

    The start of infection – Fever – Influenza – Cold and rhinopharyngitis – Sore throat, tonsillitis – Laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis – Cough – Otitis – Sinusitis – Whooping cough – Mumps – Measles – Chicken pox – Convalescence.

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